Commercial floors require regular upkeep to ensure a long lifespan and prevent permanent damage. Routine commercial cleaning and floor maintenance can help prolong the need for replacement. Floor stripping and waxing is a commercial cleaning method that involves removing old layers of wax and dirt, doing a thorough clean, and applying a new coat of wax to protect flooring from future damage. This process restores old, dull office or commercial floors to their original condition (if not better). Before hiring a commercial and office cleaning company to perform stripping and waxing, you should be aware of some common mistakes. These minimal mishaps can cause flooring imperfections and further damage.

Not Using the Right Stripper

Commercial floors vary by material. Floor stripper is not a multi-purpose commercial cleaner. Understanding this can prevent you from costly mistakes. Before stripping and waxing your floors, find out your commercial flooring material. 

Improper Dilution

Floor strippers are highly corrosive. The proper chemical-to-water dilution ratio must be achieved for floor stripper to be effective. Improper dilution can cause the floor stripper to be ineffective or make application more strenuous. Abstain from using warm water, as it can increase odours and reduce effectiveness.

Not Enough Dwell Time

Dwell time varies by brand. It is important to always refer to floor stripper labels for the most accurate dwell time. Dwell time allows the solution to fully absorb, making removal easier. For best results, avoid applying too thin of a layer.

Floor Dries Before Removal

Leaving floor stripper on for too long can make removal a tedious task. Not enough floor stripper during the application process can cause quick drying. This leads to having to reapply a second coat of floor stripper to assist with removal.

Stripper Not Fully Removed

Rinsing is an important final step, as leftover chemical residue can prevent adhering or cause discolouration. Improper removal can cause you to have to redo the floors or hire another cleaning company to do the job.

Floor stripping and waxing is a beneficial process, but the application process is crucial. Getting it right the first time around will not only save you time and money but also help prolong the lifespan of your commercial floors. Trying to cut corners with commercial floor maintenance can backfire and leave you needing to replace flooring at a massive cost.

At Clean Green Solutions, we use a scientifically proven approach to floor stripping, waxing, and polishing. We take the time to properly identify your flooring material to determine the flooring treatment and equipment needed. Our floor cleaning procedure will return your commercial floors to brand new condition, and we’ll make sure it stays that way! We only use high-quality, eco-friendly office solutions that are both safe and effective. When you choose Clean Green Solutions for your regular floor cleaning and maintenance, you won’t have to worry about having to replace your floors prematurely or compromise on quality. Get in touch today for a free quote for commercial or office floor cleaning services in Vancouver.
