“Clean Green Solutions provides professional floor waxing services for offices and commercial spaces in Vancouver.”
For many businesses in Vancouver, your flooring is the first thing a customer sees. It can be the first chance to make a good or bad impression. We don’t think about something like floor cleaning when it comes to the reputation of our business – but from the moment a potential client comes through the door, all sorts of subconscious judgments are being made about how your company operates.
When stripping, waxing, and polishing your flooring is an afterthought, it’s going to show when people enter your commercial space! Dull, dirty flooring simply makes your office or workspace less inviting and can give off an unprofessional vibe to the whole operation. Our floor cleaning team specializes in commercial floor stripping and waxing services.
Not maintaining flooring to cut costs can not only make a business look bad but can also actually cost you more money in the long run. Most flooring is designed to undergo regular stripping, waxing, and polishing. When ignored, permanent damage can occur.
Moisture, dirt, and other corrosive substances eat away at the floors over time, creating chips, marks, or discolouration that can’t be removed. When the floor finally does have a proper cleaning, it won’t be able to get back that “high mirror shine” that a new or properly maintained floor will have.
When the floor finally does have a proper cleaning, it won’t be able to get back that “high mirror shine” that a new or properly maintained floor will have.
Eventually, the flooring will need to be replaced much earlier than its potential lifespan- a huge expense for your business! There are many benefits to getting your flooring on a regular maintenance schedule – but it’s crucial you’re using a high-quality cleaning service with expertise and extensive experience with flooring.
Clean Green Solutions is a commercial floor cleaning company and a preferred choice for floor waxing in Vancouver.
Every floor is different and so is the required maintenance. Some floors need to be cleaned dry, semi-dry, or wet. Some flooring can’t tolerate common cleaning solutions and can be damaged permanently if the wrong one is used.
It’s easy to see why making the right choice for commercial floor cleaning services in Vancouver or elsewhere is so important. Trying to cut corners with commercial floor maintenance can backfire and leave you needing to replace flooring at a massive cost.
We use a scientific, proven approach to floor stripping, waxing, and polishing.
We’ll take the time to properly identify your specific flooring material so we’ll know exactly what the proper treatments and equipment are. Our 5-step procedure will return your flooring to that “wow” level it was when you first had it installed- or make sure it keeps looking that way!
Another crucial factor – our flooring team are specialists that have experience and expertise in offices and commercial spaces across Vancouver. We only use high-quality/eco-friendly solutions that are both safe and effective – and flooring is no different than anything else we do – we guarantee our work!
When you choose Clean Green Solutions for your regular floor cleaning and maintenance, we’ll get to know your flooring and your business. You won’t have to worry about having to replace your floors prematurely, or whether you can trust whoever is taking care of your flooring.
Get in touch today for a free quote for commercial or office floor cleaning services in Vancouver. We’ll help you identify what the best options are for your business, set a schedule for maintaining your flooring and take care of the rest. The best part – we’ll get it done in a way that’s not only cost-effective, but also safe for the health of your employees, customers, and the environment. That’s the Clean Green way!