Commercial floors are exposed to heavy foot traffic, which causes wear and tear. A routine floor cleaning schedule is critical for keeping commercial floors in good condition and preventing significant repairs. When properly taken care of, commercial floors can have a long lifespan. Foot traffic, exposure to external elements, and cleaning frequency are common factors that heavily affect wear and tear.

Cleaning Products

Commercial floors come in various materials that require different methods of upkeep. When choosing a floor cleaner, it is vital to select a cleaner that is specific to the type of flooring to prevent damage. Chemical cleaners create wear and tear to floor surfaces over an extended period. The high acidity in chemical cleaning products commonly causes discolouration and deterioration. Eco-friendly cleaners are much safer than chemical-based cleaners. They have a low PH and are less likely to cause bleaching, staining, warping, and other irreversible permanent damage.

Cleaning Frequency

Some floor materials are low-maintenance, while others require ample care. Tile, carpet tile, polished concrete, vinyl, and laminate are five low-maintenance commercial flooring options that require minor upkeep. Additional floor care is necessary for commercial floors that require sealing, stripping, or waxing. Businesses with frequent foot traffic should consider janitorial services to keep up with their floor cleaning needs. During fall and winter, cleaning frequency should be increased to prevent slips, trips, falls, and moisture damage. No matter the type of floor, frequent dusting and cleaning can help maximize lifespan.


Commercial floors susceptible to heavy foot traffic, high humidity, extreme temperatures and sunlight, chemicals, and winter salt/de-icer are more likely to become damaged quickly. Seasonal cleaning requirements change throughout the year. Create a seasonal cleaning schedule to ensure the best cleaning possible. Dust, dirt, and debris in the summertime can increase slipping hazards, especially on hard floor surfaces. Wet and rainy weather in the spring and fall can cause water damage, and exposure to snow, ice melt, and sand during the winter can cause deterioration, scratching, and strip floors of their protective coatings.

Top Commercial Floor Cleaning Business in downtown Vancouver

Your floors say a lot about your business – they reflect brand image and affect safety. Clean Green Solutions wants to help you set the right impression with your clients, customers, and guests by maintaining your business’s floors to the highest standard. Their team customizes their floor cleaning schedules to their client’s needs because no two companies are alike. Clean Green’s eco-friendly cleaning products are green, safe, and effective and guarantee a clean and inviting space without harming the health of your staff or office pets. Get consistent, reliable commercial floor maintenance services with Clean Green Solutions on your side! Their team is friendly, on time, detailed, and highly skilled in cleaning all commercial floors. Whether you need floor stripping and waxing, eco-friendly carpet cleaning, or carpet deep cleaning, Clean Green Solutions has the floor solution for you. Give them a call today and book a free quote!
